Siūlome legalų darbą ir gerą atlyginimą Norvegijoje nuo 146 iki 360 NOK/val. (nuo 14 iki 42 EUR/val.)
8 604 28567  
Oslo: +4721950179 London: +442035149308

Pasiūlymai darbdaviams

Skilled workers.(most of them are checked for language skills)

At the current time we can offer you a manpower of following categories.

Most of workers we can employ either directly in your firm or via Lithuanian firm; in the latter case it will supply you with a worker for a term and will pay itself all the taxes for this worker.

We offer an average number of clients who are seeking for works.

Technicians and engineers, (20-30 persons.)

IT specialists/programmers, (10-20 pers.)

Contract managers (10-20 pers.)

Professional builders, welders, pipe fitters, carpenters etc. (150-200 pers.)

Motor cars' mechanics (15-20 pers.)

Professional drivers (over 100 pers.)

Unskilled operatives

Factory- and storage workers (over 500 persons)

Agricultural workers (over 500 persons)

Scullery maids (40-50 vnt)

Office cleaners (over 100 pers.)

Loaders and stevedores (over 100 pers.)

Guards (over 100 pers.)

Toilers (over 100 pers.)

Service field

Hotels workers (large amount of interested persons)

Restaurants and cafe staff (large amount of interested pers.)

Laundering service workers (large amount of interested pers.)

Nursing and care workers (large amount of interested pers.)

House-maids (large amount of interested pers.)

Seasonal workers (For e term from 1 to 3 months):

Factory seasonal workers (over 500 persons)

Harvesting workers (over 500 pers.)